Sunday 21 May 2006

Guess who’s back, back again? Lorraine’s back, tell a friend!

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last posted. I have a lot of catching up to do and I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just ramble. Feel free to ask questions at the end, if I haven’t covered anything or you’d like a further update …

It took a long while for me to adjust being back at work. I felt very paranoid (still do at times) and felt that I had been demoted in some way. But over the last few weeks things have settled down and I’m enjoying being back.

I have totally fell off the Weight Loss train and I’m trying desperately to get back on. I’m at my heaviest I’ve been in a long while. I really need to start journaling what I eat and how much I exercise. I really need to get started, pronto.

Home life is hard some times. Really more to do with being under pressure at work and learning how to juggle everything in my life at the minute. At the start I was Little Miss Organised, then I let things slip because I was unhappy at work and now I think I’ve got a grip on everything again.

I’m still on my Happy Pills. I did try to come off them by myself. Bad Idea! They help me balance everything out and make me not beat up on myself so much.

Lauren has 8 teeth and has just started crawling. She has been rolling around like a Commando for weeks now and getting into everything. Her sleeping is a lot better. Usually sleeping through, maybe only waking once for her dummy.

Caitlin is doing so well. She recognises lots of numbers and letters. She can write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 very well. She loves doing ‘homework’ and reading (or being read too).

That will do for now! It's a start anyway, lol.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!! I am so happy to see you back on. You really had me worried. Big big hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you back! Wow 8 teeth!?!? Yikes! I bet she eats good!

Anonymous said...

oh lorraine!!!! i am so happy you are back!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back! I've missed ya!