Monday 4 July 2005

Caitlin & Me

Now I'm in my final week I keep looking at Caitlin and wondering how she is going to handle the next few weeks.

I'm starting to feel very hormonal and just want to keep cuddling her and reassuring her.

I honestly don't think it will be a major issue for her. She is very accepting already and just these past few days she has got over protective of my bump and won't stop touching, kissing or rubbing it. Even in public she wants to lift my top up to say "Hello, baby sister" At my dad's party last weekend another little boy wanted to touch my bump and Caitlin said "No, that's my baby sister".

I really don't want to upset her in any way and I hope she has the confidence to deal with the changes we face as a family.

As a little treat, I've just booked tickets to the preview of the film Madagascar this Saturday morning (it's not out until 15 July and I don't think I'd be able to go then!). We can then go to lunch and have a little Mother / Daughter quality time.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how old she is, but I had another baby when my son was 3. He was very excited to have a baby sister. He was a huge help taking care of her.

He helped with feeding, bathing, etc. I think it really made him feel like he was a big part of the whole experience (or maybe, that's just what makes me feel better!)