Saturday 17 December 2005

Stage Debut

Caitlin made her stage debut last night in the Girl’s Brigade Christmas Show (the usual nativity with a modern twist). Caitlin’s section of the GB are called the Ladybirds and are ages 3 - 5.

I left her up early to get ready and the nerves were already starting to kick in, she was quite and chewing on her fingers. Once she spotted her fellow performers she settled down and they managed to squeeze in a quick game of ‘Chase’ before they had to get their costumes on.

I went back home to collect Ivan and Lauren. We were making this a ‘Family Thing’. One for all and all for one. Anyway, we couldn’t get a babysitter so the baby had to come!

So the stage was set, the lights were dimmed and the show started. About two minutes into the start and the Ladybirds filled into the hall to sounds of ‘Ooooohs’ and ‘Aaaaaaas’ and lots of camera activity.

Then we spotted our starlet, Caitlin the Cow! (she didn’t want to be a cow but then I told her that cows were very important as they kept Baby Jesus warm in the stable ~ don’t laugh, it worked!) The funny thing was, that for the whole performance she wasn’t standing with the other cows. She was a cow among angels! I’m not sure if she truly believed she was an angel or if she wanted to stand beside her friend but she was up on stage, in costume and singing her little heart out. That was the main thing.

We loved it. My heart swelled with pride when I spotted her and I nearly had a tear in my eye. Lauren was very well behaved and joined in with the singing too, in her own unique style of course!


Anonymous said...

Bless her, I wish I was there! :)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! Too cute about Caitlin w/the angels! I bet that was priceless to watch! :adore