Saturday 30 December 2006

Make time for me

This probably goes hand in hand with No. 1 on my list.

I want to make an effort with my appearance All.Of.The.Time not just when I feel like it, the times when I'm feeling confident. With regard to this, I've only myself to blame and no-one else can do it for me!

I also need to juggle my spare time better. I work full time Monday - Friday and only have a few hours to myself each night by the time dinner is over, girls are played with and then tucked up safe in bed.

One week I'm all about cleaning the house and do nothing for me. Next week I sit and scrapbook every night and the house goes to hell.

Surely I can make more of an effort to do both. Work out what needs done and work out 2/3 nights for me, especially if I want to introduce a little exercise into the mix now too!

This will improve things with Ivan too. I will not hear him nagging me about the hours I spend online, or the mess I make when scrapping, or the fact that the house is a tip!

This one should be easy to crack! I'll should make a little rota and stick it to the fridge, lol.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lorraine, I'm adding you to my blog reads. :) You can find my blog on my profile. Happy New Year! You have some great goals set! *hugs*