Friday 3 April 2009

Doesn't Time Fly!

I haven’t been around in a while but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy!

I’m still going to the gym, usually 3 times a week.  I now do about 45 mins cardio and then about 15 mins on three of the resistance machines working the large muscle groups.  I push myself hard when doing cardio and can now feel the difference.  This is something I’m very happy with.

I guess the surprise is that I actually enjoy going to the gym!  I enjoy getting out of the house in the evening instead of vegging in front of the TV.  I enjoy the spring in my step I have when I come out of the gym.  I enjoy getting showered & dressed in peace & quite and not having little ones around my feet wanting to do their make up or play with the hairdryer, hell even joining you in the shower!

Still off the cigarettes and I think I can now say I’m over them.  It was easier than I thought it would be.  I was back on them for about a year, after stopping for 6+ years so maybe that helped.  I just needed the willpower to do it and the start of the New Year gave me that.

I have seen 214 lb on the scales a few times recently, so I guess that is my new weight!  Down 10lb from January.  I am happy with that because I know I’m doing it the right way.  Slow & steady.

I have even started wearing my wedding & engagement ring together again.  This was a mini goal of mine, as my fingers were too pudgy before and as a result I only wore my wedding ring.  I just have to get use to putting them both on in the morning!

I’m still drinking water every day, a bit less just the past few days but now I’ve noted it, I can address that.  I’m still frequenting livestrong and journaling my food, again a bit less just the past few days! 

These little lapses, along with not blogging, are due to real life being busy just recently but normal service should now resume!


A said...

Real life is always more important than the internet, always. But it's good to see you back again! :adore

Deirdre said...

You are doing fantastically well!!!! Congratulations on wearing the two rings together - goal number 1 met!!!


Hil said...

WTG on the cigarettes!!