Friday 24 June 2005

Iron Might

Well I went for my first Iron Infusion today. It wasn't all that bad. I dare say that if you didn't like needles then it would be harder to deal with!

The doctor explained I might experience side effects like sickness but it should not be as bad as I've had in the past cause the iron is going directly into the blood and bypassing my tummy. I may have a strange taste in my mouth ~ people have said it tastes like Guinness, Soy Sauce or Licorice but to me it smelled like licorice and tasted like metal or blood!

He put a canula into a vein in my arm, then gave me a test dose followed by a dose of saline, then waited 10 minutes to see if I have any reaction. I felt fine but just wanted the procedure to be over with, it weird'd me out a little to watch!

He carried on giving me a couple of more doses over a 45 min period. Then I had to hang around for a while until he was happy to let me go home. I'm back in tomorrow afternoon at 1pm for the same again then last dose on Sunday.

The doctor said that I should notice a marked increase in my energy levels within a week but that it may take up to 3 weeks to see the iron levels in my blood rise. He said he would be keeping a close eye on my iron between now and delivery!