Saturday 10 September 2005

Compare and Contrast

Whilst feeding Lauren the other night I got to thinking of the differences between her and Caitlin.

At 8 weeks old ::

Lauren is now 12lb 10oz
Caitlin was 13lb 4.5oz

Lauren is now 60cm long
Caitlin was 60cm long

Lauren takes approx 5-6oz every 4 hours
Caitlin took 6-7oz every 3-4 hours

Caitlin drank every bottle like it was her last! She gulped her milk down in record time. Lauren likes to take her time, savour the moment and in turn give whoever is feeding her a dead arm! We now know that if you are about to feed Lauren, you should go to the toilet, grab the TV remote control, puff up the cushions and settle in for the long haul. Both girls hung/hang (with a grip of death) onto a finger of the hand that is holding the bottle.

Lauren reminds me of a Little Turtle. After a feed, when I have her up on my shoulder to get winded, she tucks both hands in under her chin and pushes her head right back. It’s so darn cute to look down at. I just love her little pursed lips!

Caitlin always reminded us of a Fat Frog! After a feed, when we had her up on the shoulder to get winded, she would tuck both arms into her chest and pulled her knees up so she was just lying on top of you. Blind faith kept her there ~ blind faith that you would cradle and protect her! To this day she still does it, say, if she has fallen asleep in the car and you’ve to carry her into the house. Only problem now is her size verses my size and point of balance! I have to walk leaning backwards to compensate.

Although Lauren and Caitlin look very much alike, I feel Lauren looks a lot like her dad, while Caitlin looks a lot like me.