Monday 8 January 2007

Pass The Turkey

Yesterday afternoon we all packed up and headed up to my mum & dads for Christmas Dinner.

Yes, Christmas Dinner!

My parents went on holiday to Tenerife over Christmas & New Year only arriving back on Saturday morning. So my mum had planned to have us all up for dinner, that way she wouldn't miss out. Why she put herself through the stress of cooking all that food, I'll never know.

There was 7 adults & 5 kidlets, crackers, party hats and dinner with all the trimmings! Yummy, didn't help the diet much but I refused the crackers & cheese and the chocolates.

Poor Caitlin was confused as my two sisters, one brother & I were handing over Christmas gifts to our parents and they were handing out holiday presents to the grandkids. lol! Poor child thought it was Christmas day again & no-one had told her!

Lauren had a blast. She just tore through the house chasing the older girls.

I love seeing the kids all together.

Families. I know they can be a touchy subject but times like yesterday make me appreciate mine even more.