Friday 5 January 2007

Weekly Summary

Started back to work on Tuesday. Not so bad. Very busy and as usual not enough hours in the day! This month shouldn't be too bad. There is a couple of travel shows coming up over the next three weekends and various staff will be attending, making the office that bit quieter. I must be getting old as at was only a few years ago, I'd have attended all these shows (on your feet all day smiling & being nice, partying hard in the evening on the Company credit card and back on your stand early the next morning trying to drum in more business!).

I also started upping my water intake this week. No less than 1 litre a day, sometimes 2. I'm quite please with this and find it easier than I thought. I'm also trying to drink hot water & lemon through the day and cut way back on the coffee.

I've booked my induction at the Gym for next Thursday evening. They were booked up until then! Obviously everyone and their mother want to get fit in the New Year. This gym is a 'normal' gym, not for the 'Beautiful People'. You know the ones who arrive in the latest gym gear and full make-up, then run for miles, all the while looking in the mirror at themselves and not shedding one drop of sweat! The 'Beautiful People' are the ones that put me to shame and make me feel inadequate. God love them, it's not their fault! They don't even know the impact they are having on my confidence.

Food has been my big issue this week. Whilst I've made some healthy food choices, I've also made some stinkers! Only myself to blame. I need to get to grips with this and start writing down what I'm eating. I need to make more of an effort here or I will never see the positive results I want to achieve.


Anonymous said...

It's okay to have some hurdles as you are trying to change how you eat and live your life. *HUGS* You can do it!