Tuesday 24 May 2005

Got a letter from the hospital yesterday advising that the results of my last bloods are in and my hemoglobin levels have dropped to 9.3 If I don't get my levels up they will not let me stay awake during the c-section. I will have to have a 'general' and that is my biggest fear.

I have an appointment on Thursday afternoon, looking forward to seeing my baby again. I wonder if she has grew much? Remember she was just over the 90th centile line a fortnight ago. I might be brave and ask to get weighed (if they forget to do it again!) I'm curious to see how much I've put on!

My Braxton Hicks are getting more painful. Before they were just uncomfortable but now they are sore. If I'm walking or driving and one hits, I am in agony!

I've been getting pressure low down too. Not all the time but just some times. I think the baby has dropped a little as my bump looks lower or there looks to be more space between my chest & the top of my bump. Some nights it looks like a little shelf, where I can rest my cup or remote control!

Let me think, what else?

The baby seems to be awake a lot and that means a lot of movement. My tummy is constantly moving and it is clear to see. Some of the girls in work are a bit spooked when they see it! I, on the other hand, love it. I love gently nudging the baby and feeling a reaction. It's hard to believe that the baby could be with us in less that 8 weeks!

I don't think I'm waddling yet. I am bending backwards a bit more than usual and in turn hurting my back but I've yet to waddle! I'm not swollen and the PDS only hurts at night when I'm in bed, otherwise it is manageable and certainly not like last time.


Anonymous said...

I love when you can feel the kicking, too!