Monday 5 January 2009

Day 1

It didn't go to badly today.  I think the key was that I was prepared.

I got up early to make sure I'd time for a breakfast of porridge and to prepare a lunch to take into work, a chicken salad.  As I'm a bit weird about food (don't like certain things touching each other on the plate, or pre-made salads wilting on my plate), I made a little bento lunch!  

I had 5 mini plastic boxes - lettuce & shredded carrot in one, chicken breast in another, tomato-spring onion-red onion in another, coleslaw & mango chutney divided by a mini cracker in one and grapes & strawberries in the last one.  Don't think I'll be going to that much effort every day!  For dinner I had homemade potato, leek & bacon soup and ham & cheese panini.

I let myself down today by not drinking enough water and by not exercising.  I will correct this tomorrow.

I also weighed myself this morning.  Wasn't really shocked, it wasn't far off what I'd thought.  Now I can't wait to see if I can lose a few pounds for next week.  However, I'm the type of person who needs to see results - fast!  I get deflated easily if things don't go my way, so I'll have to work on that or end up in the downward spiral that lands me in a plate of take away food!

Found myself craving cigarettes and alcohol tonight!  My mind must still be in festive mood.