Thursday 19 February 2009

OK, its been a while, a week and as the saying goes … ‘a lot can happen in one week’

Caitlin was on mid-term holidays last Thursday & Friday and rather than book holidays from work, my mum offered to take the girls to stay over.  As an added bonus, my sister pitched in and I didn’t get the girls back until Sunday afternoon!

It was as if someone had given us a romantic weekend break, just husband & me.  Thursday evening we went on a date!  We went for a bite to eat and to the cinema.  I can’t remember the last time we went to the cinema or even what we went to see.  This time round we opted for Milk with Sean Penn.  Fantastic, a bit long but Mr. Penn’s performance was amazing, truly believable.

Friday we hit the gym!  I managed 30 mins treadmill, 15 mins bike, 5 mins arm cycle and 3 mins wave machine.  Afterwards we jumped on a bus and headed into town for more food washed down with lots of drinks.  We were like teenagers again!  

Saturday, I went to an all day scrapbooking crop – my idea of heaven!  Sunday we collected the kids and just relaxed!

Monday we were all back to normal with school & work.  Ivan was having a sleepover that evening at a friend’s house after attending a funeral.  While I played Nurse Maid to Caitlin who was up during the night ill, I was exhausted the next morning.  Tuesday my exhaustion continued into the evening and I couldn’t force myself to go to the gym.  Disappointing really, as I hadn’t been from Friday.

Last night I forced myself out to the gym.  I managed 20 mins treadmill, 15 mins bike and 5 mins arm cycle.  I pushed myself on the levels of resistance etc. and definitely broke a sweat!  I had hoped to go into the spa afterwards, even packing my costume but I just couldn’t pluck up the courage.  A lot of the younger (read thinner/fitter/healthier) girls had just come out of the kickboxing class and were floating about.  I would have felt really uncomfortable sitting in the Jacuzzi or steam room with them!


Deirdre said...

Hey you! What a lot of exercise, you should be really pleased with yourself. Glad you and Ivan had a good time at the weekend and hope Cait's much better this weekend.
Oh, and I bet there were other Mummies feeling just like you did about the spa, we all look at the "perfect" people and don't notice everyone else, hope you can pluck up the courage next time, a nice reward after all your hard work. xx