Tuesday 10 February 2009

That Was The Week That Was ….

Covered in a blanket of snow, rendering me unable to get out to the gym!

Now, I know that sounds like a typical excuse but it’s true. I went to the gym on Monday evening, enjoyed it and promised to return 2/3 times during the week.

However the Snow Gods threw down buckets of the stuff; along with rain, sleet and freezing temperatures turning the roads around where I live into a beautiful ice track! I am now more appreciative of the ‘Ice Road Truckers’.

I didn’t make it to the gym the rest of the week but I’m going to try and make up for it this week.

It was also my mum’s birthday at the weekend. She came down for a ‘sleepover’. The girls and I had a little birthday cake and sweet treats for her, then Ivan babysat and I took her out for dinner & drinks. Good adult company! We both needed it and have promised to do it again, soon.

Lastly, I was "smoke-free" for over 5 weeks at the weekend !!!!!


A said...

Smoke-free for five weeks is terrific! Are you feeling a difference when you exercise, not getting as winded and all that?

Deirdre said...

Hey Lorraine, well done for going to the gym at all. You will get back after the snow, we'll make sure of it!
Congrats on five weeks smoke free, that's wonderful To do that and still have lost 5lbs is amazing. Go you! D xx