Friday 27 February 2009

Excitement @ the Gym

I went last night even though my energy levels were low (as a result of the tummy bug).

I managed 30 mins treadmill, 10 mins bike and 5 mins stepper. I really pushed myself on the treadmill – highest level yet, most calories burned, highest gradient etc. – yet strangely, I enjoyed it!

Anyway, the excitement came in the form of 4 fully uniformed Firemen!!!

Still don’t know why they put in an appearance at the gym at 9pm but it brightened up my workout nonetheless!


A said...

Well, there's nothing like progress with a little bit of "rowr" to liven up a gym visit! :hubba

Deirdre said...

Yum!!! Maybe if they put fireman on instead of personal trainers we'd all get to the gym as often as you!!!
Well done you! Hope you're feeling better xx