Wednesday 9 March 2005


Had a MW appointment on 03 March and everything was ok. My BP and urine were normal. The MW thinks I might be a little anemic because of the pumping headaches, black stars in my eyes and shortness of breath ~ so I've to start a course of iron tablets. I just started them yesterday so hopefully they will help with the tiredness I've been feeling too!

Heard the heartbeat again. It took a little while to find cause the MW said bubba was doing cartwheels (and there's me still not feeling a thing!) Heard lots of kicks too. It was really strange so hear so much going on but not actually feel any of it. Felt I was really disconnected from my body!

No more appointments until 24 March when we have our big scan. Can't wait. I think we have decided to ask about the sex of the baby. It's funny cause I was dead set against finding out with Caitlin but this time I think I *need* to know!

I had a baby dream the other night and I dreamt we had a little boy!

I guess my biggest news to date is the fact that I felt my baby move today
Heart Beat I was sitting in work leaning over the desk and I could feel the kicks inside my tummy. I put my hand down to were I thought it was coming from and felt it from the outside! Lots of kicks and then a swift little turn around. I'm in love.


Anonymous said...

We didn't find out the sex either time and of course use every wives' tale in the book to guess, but I've heard from a lot of people that a mother's dreams usually wind up being'll have to let us know! :)