Monday 22 November 2004

Got my date for 1st hospital visit

My first hospital antenatal appointment is for 06 January 2005. I'm happy with that. Something to look forward to in the New Year (fingers crossed). It's the same hospital I had Caitlin in but they seem better organised this time, lol. I got a letter with an information booklet explaining the maternity services available and the level of care to expect. Very reassuring.

According to the book, if I'm doing shared care (hospital & mw @ the doctor's surgery) then I can expect to visit the hospital at 22, 29, 35 & 41 weeks of my pregnancy and be offered an u/s at most visits. I will then see my mw, at the doctor surgery, at regular intervals between hospital visits.

I've already met my mw and I really like her. I think I'll keep most of my questions for her. I'm going to get a copy of my notes from Caitlin's delivery. I'm not sure what went wrong in the end, it might have been pre-eclampsia but it might have been a reaction to the epidural. I'll have to find out. I don't mind maybe having another c-section but I'd rather it wasn't an emergency like last time.